Family IN Business
Family IN Business
7. John Ward: “The Most Curious Person I’ve Ever Met”

Season 1, Episode 7 of the Family IN Business Podcast

John WardLeaders from five different industries share how Professor Emeritus John Ward influenced them and their family enterprises during their time at Kellogg and beyond. These five different impacts provide lessons that all family business leaders can leverage.





Show notes:

0:25: You didn’t know who John Ward was??

1:10: An outsize influence on family businesses

4:25: A succession plan that nobody noticed (Jeremy Lott, SanMar Corp.)

8:40: “He talked from research, not just his suggestions” (Jim Ethier, Bush’s)

10:44: What people continue to go back to (Jennifer Pendergast, Kellogg)

12:35: “What are you supposed to do if you are the third generation?” (Jim Ethier, Bush’s)

19:20: We were not so unique. (Magid Glove)

22:30: Everything isn’t always fair. (Keech Combe Shetty, Combe Inc.)

27:33: “Family businesses were considered to be not that great.” (Farhad Forbes, Forbes Marshall)

31:38: How do we have a next generation of John Wards?

34:05: “A canvas for good”… even during Covid (Jeremy Lott, SanMar Corp.)

40:05: Hearing from John Ward himself

42:30: The very mention of his name…

Download “John Ward: “The Most Curious Person I’ve Ever Met”” Transcript-John-L.-Ward-FINAL.pdf – Downloaded 821 times – 146.25 KB

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"This is an amazing and insightful post! I hadn’t thought of that so you broadened my perspective. I always appreciate your insight!" - Dan B.

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