Family IN Business
Family IN Business
7. Leading Through Purpose: Aligning Stakeholders Around Sustainability with Anderson Tanoto

Season 2, Episode 7 of the Family IN Business Podcast

Anderson Tanoto saw the potential for his family business, Royal Golden Eagle (RGE), to become a leader in sustainability. Through his journey in transitioning the company into more sustainable practices, Tanoto learned that failure, perseverance, and equity are key ingredients to creating meaningful change.

Listen to Anderson Tanoto tell the story how RGE was founded by his father, became a global enterprise and then transitioned to a sustainability leader. With specific examples and insight from COP 21 and 22, Tanoto also shares tips for business leaders starting their own sustainability journeys.

Show Notes:

Theme: Fulfilling your purpose through sustainability


Your host:

Esther Choy, President and Chief Story Facilitator of Leadership Story Lab, author of Let the Story Do the Work (AMACOM)


Special thanks to:

Anderson Tanoto, Managing Director of RGE (Royal Golden Eagle)


Contact us:


Key Moments:

1:38 – What is Royal Golden Eagle?

3:30 – How did RGE start its sustainability journey?

5:20 – How did Tanoto become a driver of sustainability at RGE?

6:50 – One-for-one commitment at COP 21.

7:30 – The VCU process

9:27 – Creditability, failure and learnings

10:30 – Example sustainability with fire prevention

13:01 – Aligning external stakeholders

16:14 – Climate crisis priorities

18:18 – How do we have equitable reduction in carbon emissions?

20:15 – Sustainable Development Goals

23:00 – Palm Oil. Is it good for the environment?

26:05 – How Tanoto decided to become a sustainability champion

28:12 – RGE’s purpose statement

29:53 – How RGE was founded and how it has grown

32:02 – Father’s desire for learning

34:06 – Diversity in views

35:54 – Tips for starting a journey of sustainability for business leaders

37:15 – Managing short term vs long term interests

Download “Leading Through Purpose: Aligning Stakeholders Around Sustainability With Anderson Tanoto” Transcript-Anderson-Tanoto-Final.pdf – Downloaded 819 times – 153.54 KB

Better Every Story

"This is an amazing and insightful post! I hadn’t thought of that so you broadened my perspective. I always appreciate your insight!" - Dan B.

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People forget facts, but they never forget a good story. In her book, Esther Choy shares business storytelling methods, examples and practical tools and templates. It’s your essential leadership storytelling toolkit.

Let the story do the work

People forget facts, but they never forget a good story. In her book, Esther Choy shares business storytelling methods, examples and practical tools and templates. It’s your essential leadership storytelling toolkit.
