November 1, 2017 / Esther Choy
After meeting a new person, people often wonder if they established a strong connection. On the Selling in a Skirt Podcast with Judy Hoberman, Esther emphasizes that it’s important to be at ease with the fact that you can’t connect with everyone, even though business storytelling does help.
Once you are not trying hard to impress people, you will actually connect with almost everyone! Instead of trying to impress others, let other people impress you. Create opportunities for them to tell you their stories. Listen to the broadcast here to learn how business storytelling connects you with others.
#connections #networking #storycollecting #SellinginaSkirt #JudyHoberman #Storytellinginbusiness
Better Every Story
"This is an amazing and insightful post! I hadn’t thought of that so you broadened my perspective. I always appreciate your insight!" - Dan B.
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